Time to herd Brahmas into the spotlight

Time to herd Brahmas into the spotlight

Pierce College should highlight achievements and success stories from students. Recognizing student achievement can help motivate others to excel.

“Highlighting student achievement is clearly a great motivator for the achievers to keep up the good work,” according to Informed Families.  This recognition can also inspire other students to volunteer and excel. Students—some of whom might be reluctant to get involved—see what their peers are accomplishing and want to learn what they can do.

Pierce can adapt to what El Camino College is doing and have a school website section dedicated to student success stories.

Pierce has a Student Leader Spotlight page on the website, but it is outdated and is not prominent displayed. The Pierce community can nominate students to be featured on the page, from a variety of campus involvements and backgrounds.   

Posting on the school social media can help reach a larger audience to recognize student achievements.

“Share stories on your school’s social platforms using eye-catching visuals, engaging captions, and relevant hashtags. Encourage students, staff, and families to like, share, and comment on the content, helping it reach a wider audience,” according to FinalSite.

Los Angeles Valley College frequently reposts student spotlights from their athletics department, as well as other campus departments and organizations.

Pierce College can use their resources to spread the word of the success of their students.

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