The Pierce College Veterans Club hosted a De-Stress Event on May 22 in the LLC Courtyard, where students participated in different activities a week before finals.
Some students decorated special rocks and others played games such as Jenga, Connect 4, hula hooping and cornhole.
“As a veteran myself, what we want to do is overcome the stigma of feeling like the other,” Veterans Resource Center Lead Charles Johnson said. “We wanna make sure that our veteran students and even other students become a part of the Pierce College family and work as one team.”

Students also had the opportunity to work on activities such as coloring and writing letters to future veterans.
Criminal justice major Evelyn Chau talked about her favorite parts of the event.
“Mainly to adopt a rock, but to also hopefully write a letter to a veteran,” Chau said.
Chau said in the past she has been stressed out during finals, but has a different experience this year.
“This year specifically, I don’t mind it as much because I feel a lot more confident,” Chau said.
Some beverages and snacks that were available at the event included chips and sandwiches from Corner Bakery, water and grape juice.
Basic Needs Intern Cedrice Webber was at the event, representing the basic needs program.
“The Basic Needs Program is teaming together with the veterans program and their students to build community,” Webber said.
Webber also mentioned her favorite part of the de-stress event.
“I absolutely love seeing all of these different students come together from different backgrounds,” Webber said. “I see people from Umoja, which is amazing. I see people from the different Basic Needs Program, staff and faculty, and I’m really proud of the Veterans Club this semester because they had an idea to have all of the community come together.”