Pro: A necessary support for low-income residents

Pro: A necessary support for low-income residents

Proposition 33, which seeks to expand rent control in California, is a necessary measure that directly addresses the state’s severe housing affordability crisis. Passing this measure is essential to ensuring fair access to housing for all residents, especially low-income residents.

The high rental prices in cities such as Los Angeles and San Diego make it clear that action is needed to prevent further displacement and to stabilize living conditions. Passing Prop. 33 is a critical step in safeguarding the future of affordable housing in California.

One of the reasons to support Prop. 33 is the relief it could bring to college students, who are often overlooked in house policy debates. Those attending college are at the mercy of skyrocketing rents in university towns, which significantly impacts their ability to live comfortably while pursuing their higher education. Students are living in times where they either work to support themselves or increase their student loans.

“Rent Control would limit the amount landlords can increase rents each year, which could help students and other low-income renters stay in their homes without facing sudden spikes in costs,” according to ABC 7 NEWS.  This would help students who may be struggling to fund their education and finding a way to pay their bills.

Beyond benefiting students, rent control would help Californina address its long-standing homelessness crisis. Homelessness has reached alarming levels, largely because people can no longer afford to live in their own communities.

“A starting teacher, cop, or fire fighter is paying half their salary to afford the average apartment in California’s cities.  Many who live on a fixed income are one rent increase away from homelessness,” explains the pro column in the California Voter Guide.

It is critical that we protect our diverse communities from being fragmented by skyrocketing rent and gentrification.

Critics of rent control often claim that it will discourage new housing development, but Prop. 33  addresses this issue by giving local communities the power to determine their markets.  .

According to NBC Bay Area, “If passed, Prop 33 would not automatically impose rent control statewide. But it would give local jurisdictions the power to expand rent control to more modern buildings and single family homes.”

If a community wants to remain the same as before Prop. 33, they can.  This strikes a balance between encouraging developers to keep building housing, which we desperately need, while ensuring that renters in existing properties are not subjected to unaffordable rent hikes.

Prop. 33 represents a crucial step in the right direction for California’s housing market.

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