Ceiling tiles suffer damage in the South Gym

George Ortiz / Roundup

It has been about four months now since the South/Men’s Gym opened for faculty and students, everything inside from the bathrooms to the weight room got renovated, but evidently some items that got refurbished have fallen off. Fortunately, there are companies who deal with repairing roofs including ace roof repair companies in austin who maybe able to help with renovating the Gym ceiling.

About 19 pieces of ceiling tiles have been missing inside the gym in the middle of the hallway since the first week of the spring semester.

“It’s been like this [ceiling tiles] since the first week that we moved in February,” said Athletic Director Bob Lofrano.

So what caused the ceilings tiles to fall off?

According to Pedro Guevara, project engineer for Swinerton Incorporated, said it was an old existing pipe that probably led to the bathrooms or the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system that was leaking and caused the ceiling tiles to fall off.

A close source to Pierce, who liked to remain anonymous, said that from what they are aware of, the pipe has been fixed, now is just a matter of time of putting the tiles back up.

“I’ve noticed it a couple of months ago [and] somebody really needs to fix that problem,” said Margarita Pillado, Spanish professor who walks by daily inside the gym to get to her classroom located in the village.

After contacting plant facilities, they said they had nothing to do with it, so it appears that no ones fault here, or really?

“I don’t know, this is plant facilities issue,” said Larry Kraus, Associate vice president.

Now it’s just a matter of time, and who is going to fix the problem? Swinerton said they had nothing to do with it, and plant facilities said the same thing. It’s an unresolved issue that should have been addressed months ago and needs to be fixed.

[email protected]

A student cautiously walks under a damaged portion of the South Gym hallway ceiling on May 12. (Sayed Balkhi / Roundup)

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