On the first day of spring semester, students found themselves driving around for ever looking for parking. This is not unusual for the first weeks of the semester. But for the last two sessions, it has become a big problem. You may have experience it yourself, if you are a student of
Perhaps you may have seen a few construction sites around campus. Well, I am a believer of improvements and that our school was do for a make over. I also believe students should receive some consideration from school administration.
We (students) pay a $26 fee for “Prefer” parking or $20 fee for a restricted parking. But it seems that Pierce’s administration sells parking permits like they are selling “Hot Tamales” and there are not enough parking spaces in the school property. I have a so called “Prefer Parking” and I have been obligated to park on
Well you may say, “That is understandable attendance at school has gone up” and I agree.
But what I don’t understand is why school administration has given a portion of lot 7 section “A” to the construction’s workers, which clearly states “Construction Parking only,” and they are not only using that specific area, they are parking outside of their designated ones. Where is parking enforcement when you need it?
I think the following example is perfect and needs to be mention: One Monday morning there was a construction truck parked at parking lot 1. It was using not only one parking space, but four parking spaces! Come on give us a brake!
We are not only spending lots of time searching for parking spaces. We are adding more pollution to our environment while doing it. Like this city needs more pollution.
I have to toss this question to you. Who ever redesigned lot 1, did they consider motorcycles parking spaces? Because I have to say that many motorcycles are parking on spots assigned to cars and they don’t even have parking display on their motorcycles or do they?
To add more to our desperate search, parking lot 6 east is under construction during this spring semester, which adds more to the insanity of finding a parking spot.
Déjà vu! Remember Fall ’08 parking lot 1 went under construction right before the beginning of the semester.
What David Tsao campus project manager for Swinerton Construction and Robert Garber president of Pierce or the planning committee were thinking when they schedule parking lot projects?
I have a suggestion, how about scheduling these kinds of projects at the end of spring semester and during summer session. Perhaps it may be less intrusive.
How about assign lot 4 to the construction workers.
Aren’t we the students the ones who bring revenues to the school?
School administration should be more considerate to students. I understand that $20 or $26 it’s nothing these days, but for students it is a lot. Considering the price of books and other school necessities, it adds up.
Please give us some considerations and make sure that our parking enforcements are doing their jobs. That it is all I ask.