Letter from the Editor

Karina Gonzalez

Hello, my name is Karina Gonzalez, and I am the new Editor in chief of The Roundup.

As editor of The Roundup, it is my duty and obligation to inform, as well as protect the rights of, our readers and staff.

It is to these duties that I put all of my energy, heart and soul; and this quality newspaper is the product of that.

I want it to not only line the bottom of your birdcages, but I want all of you to enjoy it as well.

We promise to do our best to represent your interests and continue to inform you of all things relevant to our campus.

If you have any questions or comments, or would like to submit a letter to the Editor, please contact me:

phone – (818) 719-6427

e-mail – [email protected].

As you are all well aware, we are in a learning environment and we hope that the lines of communication are not severed due to mistakes made in the past or the future.

I want to move forward this semester and to continue making connections with all of you.

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