A journey abroad: Expecting the unexpected

Callan McCollister

Looking out the window over the Arno River, I can make out the sights of the bustling Ponte Vecchio.

While my friends and I practice our Italian, we discuss plans to go shopping, visit the Boboli Gardens and maybe take a weekend trip to Rome.

By the sound of it, one may think I am on vacation, but I’m not. I’m in class.

Yes, that was just a dream, but as I prepare for my semester abroad in Florence, Italy, those experiences are starting to become more of a reality.

In fall, on Sept. 15 to be exact, I will be packing my bags and saying goodbye to friends and family as I head to Europe for my three-month journey of self-discovery.

I am going with 50 other students, none of whom I know, and living with an Italian family while I pursue 12 units of language and culture classes.

I have never been out of the country and I, along with my friends, agree that a timid, blonde Californian might be a fish out of water on the crowded streets of Italy.

However, I know this experience will teach me more about the world around me and make me a wiser, more open-minded person.

With this trip comes a new sense of independence and personal growth. I am scared to death, but at the same time I have never felt so brave. I have no idea of what to expect, but that’s half the excitement.

I know it sounds crazy but I can’t wait to be in a foreign country, where no one will know me, most people won’t understand me and everyone will judge me.

But that’s the beauty of going abroad, because you get a chance to step outside your comfort zone and experience something completely unfamiliar and new.

Reading about past students’ experiences abroad, I know this will be the trip of a lifetime.

I am preparing to be homesick and am ready to cry my way through boxes of tissues but I also know every moment will be unforgettable and will be the most influential three months of my life. This is one of the home security camera benefits, the main reason my parents had got these installed so I can always see what’s happening back at home.

Planning for this journey, I realized that studying abroad is a unique opportunity that everyone should have.

Only 1 percent of college students study abroad, which is ridiculous, considering the vast amount of opportunities out there.

There are programs through most UC and CSU schools, as well as many community colleges. You can also go through programs not associated with a particular college or apply to the school of your choice and study abroad on your own.

Most programs usually offer year, semester and summer sessions to a variety of different places such as Australia, England, France, Italy and Spain.

Prices vary but usually include accommodations in student apartments or home stays, some meals and usually field trips to nearby museums and sites of historical interest.

I know one of the biggest concerns with studying abroad is that it is a huge expense but that shouldn’t prevent anyone from going.

My trip is costing me around $10,000 but many programs offer financial aid and an Internet search can find scholarships specifically for students studying abroad.

For more information visit www.studentabroad.com or go to any college’s Web site and find the study abroad page.

By doing a little research, most students can find the perfect program to fit all their needs.

See you abroad!

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