Varied mediums at annual juried art show

Portia McGroarty

Pierce College’s Annual Juried Student Art Show opened Monday in the Pierce College Art Gallery.

“We have some really talented students,” according to Mary Oliver, gallery curator. “It’s really exciting for them to have their work up in a gallery environment. I think it is going to be a really fun exhibit.”

In this exhibit, the gallery will host a variety of mediums including painting, ceramics, watercolor, illustrations, architectural works and pen and ink.

“Basically the work in the show is from all of the different classes in the art department,” said Oliver.

She said that while most years there is a large amount of work from the ceramics classes, there were fewer entries this year due to a competition they participated in Davis, CA. last week.

“This time we have a wide variety of work, quite a lot of paintings.”

All of the pieces entered are juried by Pierce faculty who decide what stays in and what doesn’t.

“Since it’s a juried situation it helps prepare students for the art world because most exhibits all over the world are juried. It gives them the experience of getting their works accepted or not,” according to Oliver, “and that’s how business in the art world works.”

“I think it’s a great event for our students.

“For a lot of them, it’s their first time in exhibition and when you do this kind of work, it’s meant to be seen,” said David Oshima, chair of the art department.

The reception is open to everyone, and will run from 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow.

This particular show has been around “for many, many years. I believe since around the time the gallery opened in 1968,” said Oliver.

Exhibition Dates: May 7 to 24

Gallery Hours: Monday and Thursday, 10 to 5 p.m.

Jamie Villareal, biology and art major, admires artwork displayed as part of Pierce’s annual juried art show. ()

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