Wireless Internet will become more accessable

Emily Kelley / Roundup, Shannon Galofaro / Roundup


Pierce College will soon become wireless more, according to Jill Binsley, professor of computer applications.
Binsley, made the announcement at an Academic Senate meeting Feb. 22.
“You would think they would have access to wireless Internet at school,” said Erin Flynn, a Pierce student. “Especially since there are mandatory Web site login requirements such as Moodle.”
Pierce is currently conducting budget research on how much installing wireless to the campus would coat.
The cost of the project was unknown as of press time.
Currently, the schools budget contributes to a network that’s only Windows ’95 compatible.
According to Mark Henderson, manager of College Information Systems, the school has Time Warner wireless internet the IT department is in charge of.
“As new infrastructure is implemented through the bond construction we will be getting additional equipment to provide wireless in additional places,” said Henderson in an E-mail.
Students and staff would have to have a computer that is wireless compatible in order to connect to the Internet, when the wireless becomes available.
“We would like to have wireless throughout the campus,” said Binsley. According to her. “the budget will only allow us to have Internet in classrooms and major gathering areas.”
Binsley explained that there would be two separate wireless connections: one for students and another for faculty and staff.
It’s yet to be decided if professors should control the wireless access through a switch in the classroom.
“I would support the instructor having some sort of control in the classroom,” said Jack Sterk, speech professor. “[But] outside of the class there shouldn’t be any restrictions.”
Mission College has had wireless for over a year, and it covers the majority of the 22-acre campus.
Students, staff, and faculty can access the network with an ID number and password, and guests and visitors can access it if a department or office requests a guest account.
Neighboring Valley College only offers access in the Cafeteria, Campus Center and the Library, calling them Wireless HotSpots.
Neither Binsely nor Henderson knew when more wireless will be available or how much it cost.
Access the wireless network:
Outside the President’s Office
The Lobby in the Administration Building
8400 block in the Villiage
Sheriff’s Office
Freudian Sip
Music building
Life Science building
Administrative building
Information Technology
Associated Students Organization office
Math building
Physics building
Student Services Building


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