Friday night ‘Blackout’

Tyler McGee/Roundup

The Blackout party, hosted by the Associated Students Organization (ASO) at Pierce College attracted just over 30 people on Friday.

According to Kevin Sparks ASO senator, the event was planned and put together in just a month by the Social Cultural Committee – which may have contributed to the events low attendance.  

The Blackout party was the idea of ASO senator Kevin Sparks. The theme of the event was apparent by the Great Hall’s lack of lighting and the encouragement for students to wear black. 

Tickets that were originally planned to sell for two dollars were given out for free later in the night.

The party was the first event of its kind put on by the ASO in three years, according to Sparks.

Sparks’ stressed the importance of community on the campus. 

“I want to put the community in community college,” Sparks said. 

Sparks added that “UCSB and UCLA have this, why not Pierce.”

The Blackout Party had events like a Raffle and an impromptu dance-off.

After several attempts to determine a winner through the raffle, it was decided that a contest in which whoever could say ASO president “Shani Simms'” name the fastest would win. The two winners were given Pierce shirts. Winners of the dance-off were given a Pierce keychain. All prizes were provided by the Bookstore.

The ASO had DJ Ziff on hand to provide music to attendees. Music by artists such as Asher Roth, Kid Cudi, Eminem and the Black Eyed Peas were played at the event.

“It was a cool night,” said 19-year-old Russell McFadden.

Snacks, good music, and a jerking (dance) contest were among his favorite things about the night.

“The Blackout Party had a mixed result,” said Sparks. “It was perfect, but we need more people.”

Sparks also said there is a possibility of having another event like this in the spring.


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