Ashley Geren / Roundup
Installation of the campus’ new emergency phones is complete and the new system should be ready for use in the next week, according to Paul Nieman, director of plant facilities at Pierce College.
“There was a programming issue that needed to be resolved,” Nieman said.
According to sheriff’s deputy Al Guerrero, all emergency calls, including those from the blue emergency call boxes around campus and those provided by the new safety measure, go straight to the sheriff’s desk.
“In theory, [this new method] should be very effective,” Guerrero said.
Once the call boxes are ready for use, staff members will be notified of the proper procedure for usage of the emergency phones.
Pierce is not the only school to have adapted this safety measure in an effort to keep the campus protected as well as to establish means for prevention in emergency situations.
“We always take a look at the national emergencies and ask ourselves, ‘How does it apply to us?'” stated John McElwain from the Public Information Department at College of the Canyons, regarding the emergency call boxes they currently have.
“Almost all classrooms [at out college] are equipped,” he added.
According to Neiman, the installation of these phones was handled by the Pierce carpentry and electrical staff.
“We have one last item to work out,” Nieman said. “Hopefully that will happen this week.”