CCOTW: Reading comprehension should come earlier

Elliot Golan / Roundup

Dear Constitutional Cretins,
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
To those that do not recognize these words, it is the First Amendment to the United States Constitution — and lately, text that many authorities seem to forget governs both them and the people.
Recently, there have been several instances of such ignorance.
There were violent protests against the rights of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement to peaceably assemble in Downtown Los Angeles. Police raided the newsroom at James Madison University in Virginia and seized more than 900 photos. And the state of Texas installed educational doctrine that has a greater emphasis on religion.
And that was just the month of April.
None of this is in-line with the points expressly mentioned in the mere 45 words above. It is really not that difficult to understand, yet many, from average citizens to police and even state legislative bodies do not seem to have that ability.
The last two are especially alarming considering their entire basis for employment revolves around the protection and enforcing the law.
Not breaking it.
In the case of the rally in Los Angeles, a group of protestors physically assaulted two men who they thought were neo-Nazi supporters. Both were not. However, even if they were, attacking people is not a productive way to show disapproval of a group that protestors said was passing a message of hate.
The police who took part in the incident in Virginia clearly do not comprehend the meaning of these words as well. Nonetheless, the force and intimidation these officers wielded arrogantly only furthers there much-maligned stereotype of unintelligent abusers of power.
And then there is Texas — the oversized, novelty buckle of the Bible Belt. This is just another episode in a string of punch line supplying decisions that beg the age-old question: When will Texas officially begin the seccession process? 
It is incomprehensible why this amendment, fundamental to the fabric this country was founded on, cannot seem to be practiced properly.
Whether it be increased constitutional education or reprimanding such delinquent acts, something needs to be done.
Moreover, the acceptance and complacency on this issue borders on criminal.
Concerned Citizen of the World


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