Gianni DiCrosta / Roundup
UPDATE (10:30 a.m.): Daniel Axelrod has won the Associated Students Organization (ASO) vice presidential reelection this morning with a vote of 359 to 293.
The former senator has beaten fellow senator Lauren Aardema.
UPDATE (1:42 p.m.): Daniel Axelrod and Lauren Aardema have both released statements to the Roundup after the election:
The ASO ended their vice presidential reelection yesterday at 7 p.m.
652 students came out to support the two candidates, Daniel Axelrod and Lauren Aardema.
Refreshments were provided as an incentive for students to come out and vote again.
A ballot counting dispute and claims of campaign violations during the April 19 and 20 election resulted in Monday and Tuesday’s reelection.
According to David Follosco, Vice President of Student Services, violations were made by both parties’ campaigns, and in turn constituted the new election.
Some have been critical of the reelection, as it takes place the week before the semester’s final exams.
“I wish it could have been last week,” said Sina Hesari Ghiabi, the ASO’s Election Committee chair. “I couldn’t put as much effort in [this reelection] as I did the first election, and on that note I want to apologize.”
The ASO is in charge of distributing funds to all of Pierce College’s groups and organizations.
Ballots were counted this morning at 9 a.m.
Results will be announced as soon as they are available.