Vanessa Arriola
Another semester at Pierce College is coming to an end, and with this comes the ominous week of finals.
Many will be clamoring to the library or organizing groups in order to get some studying done.
We all knew this week was coming sooner or later, but I never would have imagined it to come this soon.
Finals are a way to show the teachers whether or not we grasped the information they have taught throughout the semester.
This is where it all counts.
Many students begin studying a week in advance in order to feel prepared and know the information.
On the other hand, there are those who wait until the last minute to crack open the book.
I am a proclaimed procrastinator.
I have learned through my college years that I am not one to study or write a paper weeks in advance.
The majority of my work is done at the last minute.
You will find me studying for a final the night before or writing a term paper the weekend before it’s due.
My reasoning is that doing the work last minute motivates me more.
I feel that I do my best work under pressure.
Yes, this procrastination has led me to become more stressed during finals week, but so far it has paid off and I don’t plan to change my ways anytime soon.
This way of doing things doesn’t work for everyone.
If the thought of finals is already giving you hives, don’t worry, it will all be over soon.
Let’s face it; finals have become a part of our educational lives since high school, only now it’s a little harder.
There is no sure way to relieve the stress of finals but there are a few things that students can do to help them feel a little calmer.
Taking periodic breaks from the madness will help you relax, studying with a group can ease your workload, listening to music, asking for some time off at work and studying by yourself will help you achieve your mission.
As college students many of you have already established your way of studying for finals and if it has worked don’t change it.
All there is left to say is good luck.

Vanessa Arriola ()