Elliot Golan / Roundup
Dear United States Supreme Court,
While the Bible does not explicitly condemn homosexuality, it is clearly opposed to it.
Corinthians Chapter 6, Verse 9 proclaims that “homosexual offenders” will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Yet, as of March 4, same-sex marriage is allowed in Mexico City, which is part of the country that is second to Brazil in Catholic population.
By the way, Brazil permits it too.
God did not create marriage.
It is a civil matter. It is the conjoining of two people.
On the other hand, the United States, a country that is supposed to have a separation of church and state, still defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman.
Your inability to see right versus wrong has taken us back to the 1960s.
Not permitting these couples to wed is discrimination.
Our legal system is supposed to have defenses against prejudice. We are not to treat people differently based on many factors, such as the color of their skin or their age.
Why is it acceptable then, to pass judgment on a person based on their sexual orientation?
Two men or two women are just as capable of engaging in a life-long union as a man and a woman are.
New Hampshire, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont and Washington, D.C., already perform and recognize same-sex marriages.
Some of the common reasons of the opposition are perversion and having children raised in a gay home.
These arguments are ludicrous.
Gay men and women are not perverts. They are human beings who have made a choice. A choice made like any other and one that should be respected like any other.
There is no need to view a child being raised in that environment negatively. A gay couple is no different than a straight couple. Their sexual orientation does not inhibit their ability to love and educate a child.
The United States Supreme Court should not be watching the rights of human beings be infringed upon from the cheap seats.
As the ultimate check on the fairness of the law, it is your responsibility to rectify this problem in line with all the other axioms of rights and freedoms in our country.
They cannot continue to be mere pomp and circumstance.
Take this as a call to action.
This is a great opportunity to restore the faith of the people in their countries founding principles of equality and righteousness.
Concerned Citizen