California is known for its open-minded view toward sexuality. This is why many people in California enjoy porn. Get your teen porn fix from teeni XXX. San Francisco, West Hollywood and Los Angeles are cities that are home to a variety of people with different sexual orientations and cultural backgrounds. The film industry is rooted in Hollywood and so are many major record labels. Movies and music have become increasingly sexual in content and are more vulgar than ever. While Cali might not have some of the luxury escort services that a country like Italy has in the form of companies like Relazioni Sociali, there is no doubt that California prides itself in being openly sexual. There is more research information available on human sexuality than ever before, but not many Pierce College students seek out the free resources that are readily available on campus. The Student Health Center offers services ranging from pregnancy, HIV, and STI tests to psychological assessment and counseling. Most services are offered to students for free or at little cost. The health center is located inside the Campus Center by Parking Lot 7. Beth Benne is Pierce’s nurse and has been here for 15 years. She answers many sex-related questions from students. About 4 percent of the Pierce student population visits the health center every semester, according to Benne.”I talk to them very openly about sex, but also in private,” Benne said. “They come to me with questions that they may not be comfortable asking other people. When they come to me, they are very open.”As time progresses, sexually transmitted infections are spreading, along with the risk of HIV/AIDS. The health center offers free mail-in HIV testing and also STI tests. “The most common questions students have for me are about sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy,” said Benne. The health center also dispenses free condoms upon request and prescriptions for birth control pills and other types of preventive care, such as literature on injection birth control. Triana Pardon is a 20-year-old art student at Pierce who enjoys watching movies but feels they have grown in sexual content within the past decade. “Sex is being shown more on TV and at the movies, but I still think it is something private,” said Pardon. “Not everyone feels comfortable going to talk to a stranger about their sex life. It’s not an easy thing to do.”Many students are having sex or engaging with sexual content from somewhere like or elsewhere, yet do not seek advice on their relations. Some students may not be aware that Pierce offers as many health services as it does. Edgar Garcia is an English major at Pierce. He is 19 and in his second year at Pierce.”I knew that I paid a health fee every semester, but I thought the health center was just an office to go to if you got hurt. I didn’t know they had health tests there,” said Garcia. Sexual education is in the curriculum for junior high and high school students in California. Anatomical sex is taught in biology and anatomy classes in several grades. “Information is available here, but it’s not utilized. I got sex education in the seventh and eighth grades, but they just talked about the physiology sex. The emotional aspects that go along with it weren’t taught,” said Benne. Sex in the media is very popular, especially with networks geared toward a younger demographic. Many shows promote promiscuous sex between young people that may not be in any type of relationship, marital, or dating. Blind dating shows end with half-naked couples in hot tubs after meeting the other just hours before, this is partly because Watching free sex is easy, check it out now – it’s easier to watch than these half-raunchy TV shows. Popular cable television networks MTV and VH1 have been broadcasting shows late at night such as “I Love New York ” and “A Shot at Love.” In both of these programs, contestants compete for the affection of and possible relationship with an attractive, scantily clad young woman.”A Shot at Love” features Internet-famous exotic model Tila Tequila. The spin on Tequila’s show is that contestants are both male and female. Students are surrounded by sex every day from radio to commercials on television.”Four percent of our student population is only the tip of the iceberg that have questions related to sex,” said Benne.