Slackers, Beware

Emily Kelley / Roundup

It’s a simple piece of paper and yet it can determine your entire future.
I’m talking, of course, about the dreaded college acceptance/rejection letter.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of first time freshmen and transfer students send their academic life story to the colleges of their choice and wait impatiently for months until that letter comes in the mail.
For some, the letter is the key to unlocking the gate to their future plans. For others, the letter is yet another obstacle.

This is why students here at Pierce need to remember that time is money – literally. The longer you stay in college, the more money you’re going to spend.
I want to transfer to CSUN in the fall, and so I’ve joined the 187,329 other students vying for admission, according to CSU Mentor, the CSU application Web site.
Most of these applicants will learn the hard way that planning ahead was the best option from the start.
With the budget crisis in full swing, CSU’s are only accepting first time freshmen and upper-division transfer students for Fall 2010.
This means that if you don’t have 60 units or more, as well as having completed the four requirements, you won’t be able to transfer.
For some, this is not a daunting prospect. They’ve stayed on task, have passed all their classes and have acquired enough units.
This is not the case for other students.
This is the first year in which CSU’s have not accepted lower division transfers, and so a lot of students may have slacked off, thinking they could still get in no problem.
The budget crisis in our institutions of higher learning is not going to go away anytime soon, which means this admissions policy may continue or colleges will accept less and less people.

While everyone should have always strived to do well in school, now there is more and more incentive to do so.

The grades and units that were once accepted will soon become absolete as more and more people apply and the colleges can admit less and less people.

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