Jacqueline Callan
Do not print all of her personal info. Also, since our address is already on the page (in the ‘letters to the editor’ box), it is unnecessary to run that part, either. —KB
Jacqueline Callan5930 Reseda Blvd. #6Tarzana, CA 91356-1514818.996.1182
November 15, 2007
Letters to the EditorThe Pierce College Roundup6201 Winnetka AvenueRoom # Village 8211Woodland Hills, CA 91371
Re: Campus Image: Mall to acquire a fresh appeal by Matt Johnson
It is extremely gratifying to learn there will be a better access to the campus from the Orange Line. It can’t come soon enough for me! (The pace at which I am taking classes, I guess I will still be here when it happens.)
Walking across the soccer field, I hold my breath anticipating the sprinklers will go on at any minute! When it rains, I just cannot go across the field and instead have to walk on Victory Boulevard from Winnetka Avenue to the Mason Avenue entrance.
Hurry it up I say!
Jacqueline Callan