Pierce College enhances lives with its fitness program PUBLISH

Steve Akana / Roundup


     Pierce College enhances lives by enabling people to be physically fit with its new fitness center and swimming pools, which are open to students and the community at designated times throughout the week.
     The Steven E. Schofield Aquatic Center, which has a competitive pool and a wellness pool, has four functions; Physical Education 102 classes, the Pierce College athletic program, the community service program, and facilitate outside high schools that have water polo and swimming.
     “Students really participate greatly in the swimming program with classes almost always filled throughout the school year,” said John Vowels, swimming pool supervisor.  
     Even though there is a lot going on at the Steven E. Schofield Aquatic Center it still offers students who are not enrolled in Physical Education 102 and the surrounding community time for lap swimming throughout the week.
     The competitive pool is open for lap swimming Monday thru Friday at 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., and 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
     There is a fee to use the pool, $2 for adults and $1 for those 17 and under that applies to students not enrolled in Physical Education 102 and the general public.
     On Saturday and Sunday from May to October the competitive pool is open for general recreation from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. and both pools and diving board are open from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
     Vowels said the pool sees about 65,000 swims annually with 25 percent of lap swimmers being Pierce College students.
     The Steven E. Schofield Aquatic Center also holds the Masters Program for senior citizens, swimming for the kids’ summer camp Fun Under the Sun, and offers swimming lessons to both children and adults during the summer.
     “The pool has a lot of activity going on all the time and is very community oriented,” said Bob Lofrano, Pierce College athletic director.
     Another way Pierce College gives people a chance to get fit is through the Fitness Center located in the South Gym.
     “The Fitness Center has an excellent program that students can take advantage of by taking Physical Education 640 or 690,” said Matt Hank, fitness coordinator.
     Students who enroll in Physical Education classes are not obligated to attend a specific class time because they have the opportunity to attend any of the class times throughout the week, which is really accommodating.
     “The Fitness Center is great for students enrolled in the Physical Education fitness class because they can attend any one of the class meetings,” said Lofrano.
     The community can also take advantage of the Fitness Center on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. There is a $3 fee each time one uses the fitness center to work out that applies to students and the general public.


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