Usually, when a band puts together their sophomore album, the sound rarely changes to retain the loyalty of their fans. However, this is not the case with Panic At the Disco and their latest album, “Pretty.Odd”. Panic’s first album released in 2005, “A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out”, was laced with vaudeville inspirations and coupled with popular emo lyrics.
Author: Antonio Hernandez
New smoking campaign at Pierce: Con
As an ex-smoker, I understand the harmful effects of the disgusting habit. I used to hate rules against smoking and believed they infringed on my God-given rights. Now I get it. When I see smokers, I weave and bob to dodge the incoming cancer. So, as I came onto the Pierce campus Feb.
A policy as thin as smoke
As an ex-smoker, I understand the harmful effects of the disgusting habit. I understand the animosity felt when someone tells you that you can’t smoke in a certain place. I used to hate rules against smoking and believed they infringed on my God-given rights.
Pierce student kidnapped, robbed
An unidentified Pierce College student was robbed and kidnapped in front of Pierce College Wednesday afternoon while walking to his car on Winnetka Avenue.