Experts debate the existence of Internet Addictive Disorder, but allow me to offer an opinion from a long-time gamer’s point of view. IAD is just as real as your face, and its danger to this and coming generations is underestimated. I started browsing the Web when I was in fourth grade, spending most of my online time in Nintendo chat rooms and on gaming Web sites.

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Highly-supported candidate elected to LACCD board of trustees

Winnetka resident Miguel Santiago, 35, was sworn in as the newest member of the Los Angeles Community College District board of trustees on April 9. Chosen by the board members from a group of 27 applicants to fill the position left by Warren Furutani, who was elected in February to the California State Assembly, Santiago says he hopes to “live up to the board’s trust and confidence.

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ASO candidates speak to record student turnout

Student government candidates were given a chance to duke it out April 8, in what may have been the Associated Students Organization’s largest election forum in recent years. Speeches were delivered by 10 candidates to a crowd of about 50 students in the new Student-Community Center, which was opened just for the event, even though its development is not quite finished.

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Valley swim team sinks Pierce 67-44

Valley College defeated Pierce College at swim meet Friday afternoon, 67-44. The event was a dual meet between Pierce and Valley for both men and women, with diving and swimming rounds. “We know that team very well because they train with us every day, because their pool, the pool that they’ve been using, is broken down,” said Fred Shaw, Pierce head coach.

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Careless pitching hands 11-3 game to COC

The baseball team lost 11-3 at home April 1 to conference leader College of the Canyons. Pitcher Nathan Perlitsh said despite the good plays they executed, they could not make up for the Cougars’ 16 hits. “It was a struggle,” Perlitsh said. “We had a few errors at bad times, but it’s not an excuse for hits the pitching staff gave up.

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