Let’s Get Physical (CORRECTED)

College students nowadays have enough on their plates with school and work let alone making time to add a little exercise in their daily schedule. Many go to school full-time and work a part-time jobs or vise versa. So how is it that they can find the time to exercise? Steve Ruys, fitness coordinator at Pierce said that students do make the time to exercise.

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****8$$Pierce nets $2.5 million in grants

56 lines, 640 words. Millions of dollars in grant money have been awarded to Pierce College recently, including $2,038,306 to help fund online course development and $359,757 for the Pierce Early Childhood Education (PECE) program. More than $189,135 was awarded across numerous other grants, most of which were submitted early in the year and approved in August and September.

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Pierce butters up faculty REVISED

Pierce butters up faculty By: Ben Rizzo Follow the pleasant aroma of freshly-popped buttery popcorn downstairs from the Pierce College Library and you will find the Faculty Staff Resource Center (FSRC). Opened in July, the center provides staff and faculty, both part-time and full-time, a place to complete classroom preparations, hang out with other faculty members or just enjoy some peace, quiet and popcorn.

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$$The long road to graduation

The sterile room is quiet with blue chairs lining the walls and anxious students looking over papers. Above them, a poster hangs with the quote “You measure the size of accomplishments by the obstacles you had to overcome to reach your goals.” This is the waiting room for the counseling office and where most Pierce College students begin their long journey to graduation.

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