Adulthood part 1

Most of us were probably counting the minutes as they slowly ticked by on the long and ever-so-slow march toward turning 18.

Hitting 18 struck a victory bell that rang loudly and clearly – you know, that kind of ring that renders nearby witnesses into a state of shock because it is just that epic.

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Free AIDS Testing

AIDS Health Foundation and The John Wesley Clinic of Health will be providing free HIV testing for all students and staff. Testing is offered today from 2 to 7 p.m. and will continue tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Results are received within 20 minutes and are confidential.

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Several errors were made in a page one story about the groundbreaking ceremony. The correct cost for the new science center is $40,250,000 and the new student services building will cost $15,848,000. In addition, the total square footage of the buildings is 158,775 square feet, which includes 9,000 square feet for veterinary technology.

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Textbook bill passes

Two bills attempting to combat high textbook prices were sent to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s desk this month, but on Oct. 14 Assembly Bill 1548 passed, while Senate Bill 832 was vetoed. Both bills were similar in that they aim to inform instructors about edition changes, what additional supplements come with the books and, most importantly, prices.

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Pierce offers refuge

Once again, Pierce College students, including the Boots and Saddle club, came to the rescue of many equine animals, helping to relieve some of the stress placed on the owners of horses, donkeys and goats. Ravaging thousands of acres and displacing people in its wake, the recent eruption of fires has caused an enormous amount of damage.

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Brahmas stomp Corsairs

The Pierce College women’s soccer team, ranked number two in California and number five in the country, demolished Santa Monica College 7-0, Friday at the Pit. Coming into the match, Pierce’s record was 13 wins, one loss and four draws. They looked to consolidate that record against Santa Monica.

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Landmark structure in progress

Part II of a Series Years of planning and dedication are taking shape at Pierce College, as the new Student Services building has begun its transformation from conceptually-designed paper drawing to classically-stuccoed concrete icon. Located at the south end of the campus mall, the 49,775-square-foot, three-story building will house the offices of admissions and records, financial aid, counseling, the career transfer center, the student health center, EOP&S, international students, high school outreach and special services.

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