46 It wasn’t long ago when television comedy ruled the evening. I recall turning on my favorite sitcom “Malcolm in the Middle” and laughing within minutes. Then along came comedy’s unscripted adversary, reality television. Although a handful of legitimate and harmless comedies might still exist, the reality boom has spawned a majority of absurd, tasteless shows and outrageous behavior.
Author: Archive
Pierce cooks Bakersfield
The Pierce College Brahmas cooked the Bakersfield College Renegades 3 games to 0 in their third Western State Conference Southern Division game last Friday. Like tigers in a coliseum, Pierce and Bakersfield were at each other’s necks in the first game. In the beginning half, both teams played a game of tag with the scoreboard as one point after another was gained from both sides.
$$REVISED: New bill shields students from debt temptation
A slice of pizza or a free T-shirt is oftentimes all it takes to lure a college student into filling out a credit card application that could haunt them for years to come, but passage of the College Student Credit Protection Act (AB 262) will regulate this marketing on California campuses.
$$Red Cross coming to Pierce (CORRECTED)
Pierce College in collaboration with the American Red Cross will be hosting a series of blood drives on campus throughout the year. Both establishments are determined to get the word out to students. Many people do not take the time to donate blood for several motives.
$$Flu vaccines pierce the college REVISED
Flu vaccines pierce the college By: Ben Rizzo Death. Many words and sensations come to mind in describing your current condition this Tuesday morning in December but this one sums them all up. It’s 8 a.m., you find yourself in the same place you were at 8 p.
$$Initiative aims to improve California’s community college system
Proposition 92, also known as the Community College Initiative, aims to reduce student fees by $5 per unit and make several other changes that will affect more than 2.5 million students at California’s 109 community colleges. “The most direct impact on students is that the initiative will lower student fees, currently at $20 per unit, to $15 per unit,” said Pierce College President Robert Garber.
REVISED: Hookah heats up the hangout scene
13.5″ Movie theaters and mall-wandering are being thrust aside to make way for the next hot college scene-the hookah lounge. A hookah is a water pipe device used to smoke shisha, a tobacco mixed with molasses, honey, or fruit. The tobacco is placed in “the head” on the top of the device, which is covered in foil and heated indirectly by charcoal.
$$This Rainbow doesn’t require a pot of gold REVISED
This Rainbow doesn’t require a pot of gold By: Ben Rizzo Met with smiling eyes from Ireland to Los Angeles, rock giant Radiohead pleases the masses with their latest offering, “In Rainbows.” After a four-year slumber, the band, led by front-man Thom Yorke, made their new release available only through Internet download on Oct.
Revenge of the Social Nerds
Kicking-off its first-ever meeting, the Fellowship of Social Nerds Pop-Culture Club met in Pierce College’s Business 3201 on Oct.10. The club is the creation of 18-year-old Jonathan Brown, a second-year student at Pierce. “Part of the reason I’m doing this is because it’s not really social here at Pierce, so it’s kind of a bummer,” said Brown, “You know we just go to class and leave.
$$I’m done driving
I have never braved the Pierce College parking lot. I have never hunted for parking spaces, leaping upon them like a hungry lion. Never have I cursed to the high heavens as someone snags the space that I had been waiting on for 30 minutes. I take the bus.