The immigration debate has traveled all across the United States. On Tuesday, October 9, it landed at Pierce College. Maria Elena Durazo, exectuive secretary-treasurer of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, spoke to students and faculty on the topic of immigration at the Campus center.
Author: Archive
$$Fall Dance Concert Auditions *updated*
The annual Fall Dance Concert is around the corner and the auditions for dancers will begin Oct. 21 in the Dance Studio, NG 5601. Every year, dance instructor Marian Weiser holds the Fall Dance Concert, which is comprised of various dances from around the world.
$$ Lost? Try geography
History, English, mathematics, and science are all required courses to be passed in our kindergarten through 12th grades in the United States. In many other counties across the world, one other subject is also weighed as equally important, geography. Some of these countries, many Americans may not even be able to locate on a globe.
$$ Students Serving Suits Everyone
The option is being given at Pierce College to earn college credit while giving back to the people that surround us every day. Students at Pierce are volunteering their time to help many different people in their community. Not only do students get to help others in need and gain experience in their field work of choice, they also earn one CSU transferable unit.
Making a clean sweep
Cleanliness seems to be a priority everywhere these days, so why has Pierce College been left in the dust? According to Plant Facilities Director Paul Nieman, 21 custodians are on campus every morning to make sure our campus and classrooms are maintained.
Mothering and mathematics
Mothering and mathematics By Ben Rizzo Career vs. Family. It’s a game played by many different thirty-something women in Southern California with many different outcomes. But as one Pierce College professor shows, you can still have your cake and eat it too.
26 Years and Still Going Strong
Barbara Heller found her secretarial job at Pierce when she was driving by after not long after her husband was transferred to Los Angeles from New York in 1981. She pulled into the campus to find out if there was any chance they needed a secretary. When she couldn’t find the offices on the sprawling campus, she stopped someone and asked for directions.
We are not criminals…
Being eyed as though we are common criminals and being spoken to like we are about to commit a crime, are two of the many ways some of the Campus Sheriff’s Department personnel tend to treat students. There are those who smile, are approachable and say hello.
252 servings of O.J. were quite enough for me, thanks
O.J. Simpson is once again in the news. This time, it’s because of allegations of kidnapping and robbery stemming from a Sept. 13 confrontation with sports memorabilia collectors in a hotel room in Las Vegas. As the media keep me updated on the latest developments in the story, I start to wonder how long the trial will last.