$$ Lost? Try geography

History, English, mathematics, and science are all required courses to be passed in our kindergarten through 12th grades in the United States. In many other counties across the world, one other subject is also weighed as equally important, geography. Some of these countries, many Americans may not even be able to locate on a globe.

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$$ Students Serving Suits Everyone

The option is being given at Pierce College to earn college credit while giving back to the people that surround us every day. Students at Pierce are volunteering their time to help many different people in their community. Not only do students get to help others in need and gain experience in their field work of choice, they also earn one CSU transferable unit.

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26 Years and Still Going Strong

Barbara Heller found her secretarial job at Pierce when she was driving by after not long after her husband was transferred to Los Angeles from New York in 1981. She pulled into the campus to find out if there was any chance they needed a secretary. When she couldn’t find the offices on the sprawling campus, she stopped someone and asked for directions.

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