The Sip offers more than lattés

The Freudian Sip, the on-campus coffee house, is located next to the bookstore and has become the official hangout spot for many students and teachers alike due to its centralized location, amazing coffee and tasty treats.

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Thursday 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Saturday 7:30 a.m. to noon

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West LA player injured during football game 10/2


During a Saturday night football game between hosting LA Pierce and West Los Angeles College, one of West’s defensive backers was seriously injured in the starting half of the fourth quarter.

Steven Spicer, a Los Angeles native, collided with Pierce’s wide receiver Daniel Berhe during play, dropping to the ground where he remained unmoving.

Sheriff’s officials, medics, and trainers from West rushed onto the field where Spicer lay prone. To the side, the Pierce team stood in silence, some of them saying quick prayers.

Los Angeles Fired Department officials arrived less than 10 minutes after the fact. EMTs placed Spicer onto a stretcher and removed him from the field at 9:43.

Spicer is now under emergency care at nearby Kaiser Permanente hospital in Woodland Hills, according to Sheriff’s officials.

While Spicer’s condition is protected by medical confidentiality, a Sheriff’s officer also confirmed that Spicer was conscious and aware, able to speak and recall his name.

Play resumed minutes later, after supporters from both sides gave a standing ovation for the ambulance as it pulled out of John Shepard stadium.

The game finished around 10:40, with a final score of 42-38 for Pierce. 

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