Audiences did not want to see the update of the 1970s Neil Simon comedy “The Heartbreak Kid,” although it was hilarious. Ben Stiller and the Farrelly brothers (Bobby and Peter) could not rekindle the flame in the anticipated comedy from their last smash hit “There’s Something About Mary.
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Laminated discipline
For the first time in Pierce College history, 8 Ω by 11 inch laminated placards offering guidelines on how to deal with disruptive behavior and/or students in crisis were distributed to all faculty members this semester. There is no specific reason that prompted the decision for the distribution, said Joy McCaslin, vice president of Student Services, however, “people are more aware because of the incidents at Virginia Tech.
$$Free Personal Counseling Benefits Students (Updated)
Without health insurance and a large income, it has become virtually impossible for students to receive professional psychological help, which is why Pierce College offers personal counseling as well as sessions with a licensed psychologist free of charge.
$$Cleaning the Campus…or Not?
“Floors are so filthy you don’t want to set your backpack down.” “The chemistry lab tabletops crunch with chemicals when you put your notebook on them.” “My pet peeve is the greasy, sticky computer keyboards and mice in the Learning Center.” “The outdoor bulletin boards with old curling outdated announcements look really trashy.
New grading system sparks debate
Nick Habib, Ph.D., chair of the philosophy department, introduced a new grading proposal during a Sept. 24 Academic Senate meeting. The new system would implement plus (+) and minus (-) grades on transcripts. Habib is a Pierce College philosophy professor and part-time California State University, Northridge ( CSUN) professor.
$$Professors ratings game fact or fiction?
Ratings Story 62 Toxcina King Usually the only way that students could commend or complain about an instructor was through the formal paper teacher evaluations that get passed out at the end of every semester.
California Dream Act makes dreams come true
There are more than 65,000 undocumented students who graduate from high schools across the nation every year. Although many of them have been in the United States most of their lifetime, they do not receive the same benefits of higher education that citizens do.
$$Sheriff’s suck nads
Being eyed as though we are common criminals and speaking to like we are about to commit a crime, are two of the many ways some of the Campus Sheriff’s Department personal tend to treat students. There are those who smile and are approachable to say hello.
$$Fashionably Lame
She was wearing a cute Juicy Couture miniskirt, a matching pink summery tank top, and had the entire Californian blonde beauty look. However, she had decided to give a finishing touch to her fashion statement by showing off her pink Ugg boots in the middle of the scorching summer heat! I have heard of the expression “fashionably late” but attending summer school at Pierce made me realize that a lot of people are also “fashionably lame”.
$$This may be a farm, but we aren’t pigs.
Cleanliness seems to be a priority everywhere these days, so why has Pierce College been left in the dust? According to Plant Facilities Director Paul Nieman, 21 custodians are on campus every morning to make sure our campus and classrooms are maintained.