Tutors Ana Barraza 1-1-1-1 Tech Savvy Tutors Wanted Teachers to Tutor Teachers Faculty Staff Resource Center Seeks the Technologically-Inclined In hopes of bringing teachers out of the dark ages of chalk and chalkboards, the Faculty Staff Resource Center is looking for peer tutors to shed some technological light on their fellow faculty members.
Author: Archive
$$The Halloween Festival Finally Arrives (CORRECTED)
This weekend Pierce College was proud to welcome back their annual Halloween Harvest Festival. This wildly popular event opened on Friday, September 29. It’s located at the corner of De Soto Avenue and Victory Blvd. for the next five weeks and everyone is invited.
$$Everyone can give a child a day of joy -*REVISED*-
1300 foster children are expected to gather at Pierce College on Sunday, Oct. 14 to participate in Day of the Child. Day of the Child is an event sponsored by Children Uniting Nations to raise awareness of homeless and foster children in the L.A. County area.
Everyone can give a child a day of joy
Once a year Pierce hold a carnival unbeknownst to the general public. Food, games, music, activities, it’s all free; but few children have had a chance to attend. This is an event for children who don’t have the opportunity to go to an event like this whenever they please; an event for the foster children of the Los Angeles County.
The Halloween Festival Finally Arrives
This weekend Pierce College was proud to welcome back their annual Halloween Harvest Festival. This wildly popular event opened on Friday, September 29. It’s located at the corner of De Soto Avenue and Victory Blvd. for the next five weeks and everyone is invited.
The Halloween Festival Finally Arrives (CORRECTED)
This weekend Pierce College was proud to welcome back their annual Halloween Harvest Festival. This wildly popular event opened on Friday, September 29. It’s located at the corner of De Soto Avenue and Victory Blvd. for the next five weeks and everyone is invited.
Students quench their thirst
Students quench their thirst By: Ben Rizzo On a hot sunny day in the Pierce College campus mall, a glass enclosed vending machine stands as a tribute to everlasting thirst. “Enjoy a refreshing drink,” the machine beckons as its robotic arm readies for motion across the stacks of neatly assorted liquids.
Valient Thorriors rock the Roxy
Valient Thorr took the Roxy by storm Thursday night proving that metal still holds a place in the hearts of many. Much like a tailgate party for a long awaited football game, a gathering of Valient’s most loyal fans crouched in a Sunset strip parking lot during the pre-show hours.
Out of this World and “Across the Universe”
“Across The Universe” is a product of The Beatles’ legendary sound fused on the silver screen, resulting in a two hour, 11 minute musical that will make you laugh, cry and everything in between. The film combines an enduring time period–the Vietnam War–with music, romance, a dash of comedy and a pinch of psychedelic cinematography.
Teaching methods fall short of expectations
We are taught from an early age to make our brains sponge-like, to absorb and regurgitate all the facts and definitions that are fed to us, but we cannot be expected to continue on like this for the entirety of our academic careers. Common memories of the kindergarten years involve finger paints, hopscotch and learning our ABCs.