Boosting business and bulging bellies

After decades of wavering certainty with regard to the Cafeteria’s future, supervisor Linda Brown found the worries of last semester humorous. “It’s nothing new; they’ve been hanging this over our heads for twenty years,” she explained with a chuckle. In May, Pierce College President Robert Garber predicted the Cafeteria’s demise, calling it “a remnant of the past.

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New Geology Professor “Fired Up” About Teaching At Pierce

When the geology department recently welcomed John Zayac, its newest full-time faculty member, it also welcomed the first professor in nearly 15 years to be dedicated exclusively to its department. Although the geology department has a long history, it has lacked a full-time professor to coordinate any further development of the program, something Zayac intends on doing next semester.

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Math professor doubles her duties

The fresh Fall semester is a chance at something new for faculty as well as students, as is the case for Professor Sarah McCune, 28, who is beginning her first full-time semester at Pierce College. McCune (formerly Hipschman, before getting married December 31st, 2005) has taught various math courses at Pierce College since Fall 2004, working as a part-time professor.

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Weekly Crime Log

Blotter Ana Barraza 1-1-1-1 In lot number four a burglary suspect stole items from the victim’s car. The incident occurred in parking lot four on August 31 between 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. but was not reported until September 4 at 1 p.m. A student’s car was damaged by an unknown object in parking lot seven on September 4.

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