After decades of wavering certainty with regard to the Cafeteria’s future, supervisor Linda Brown found the worries of last semester humorous. “It’s nothing new; they’ve been hanging this over our heads for twenty years,” she explained with a chuckle. In May, Pierce College President Robert Garber predicted the Cafeteria’s demise, calling it “a remnant of the past.
Author: Archive
New Geology Professor “Fired Up” About Teaching At Pierce
When the geology department recently welcomed John Zayac, its newest full-time faculty member, it also welcomed the first professor in nearly 15 years to be dedicated exclusively to its department. Although the geology department has a long history, it has lacked a full-time professor to coordinate any further development of the program, something Zayac intends on doing next semester.
Math professor doubles her duties
The fresh Fall semester is a chance at something new for faculty as well as students, as is the case for Professor Sarah McCune, 28, who is beginning her first full-time semester at Pierce College. McCune (formerly Hipschman, before getting married December 31st, 2005) has taught various math courses at Pierce College since Fall 2004, working as a part-time professor.
*****$$New ASO president is a stranger ‘no Moss’
New ASO president By Ben Rizzo Tessa Moss isn’t the typical 22-year-old college student. Driving down Victory Boulevard in her primer-colored 1989 Chevrolet Camaro, Moss isn’t listening to the latest Timberlake and Timbaland remix. In fact, she doesn’t even have a car stereo.
Weekly Crime Log
Blotter Ana Barraza 1-1-1-1 In lot number four a burglary suspect stole items from the victim’s car. The incident occurred in parking lot four on August 31 between 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. but was not reported until September 4 at 1 p.m. A student’s car was damaged by an unknown object in parking lot seven on September 4.
$$Brahmas run rampant over Marauders
Patrick Lising September 14, 2007 Pierce College continued their good start to the season with a wonder performance against Antelope Valley College on Friday winning with aplomb 7-0. An impressive four goals were scored by defender Amanda Bernal to ensure proceedings at the pit would be one-way traffic.
*****$$”Philosophy professor ‘lucks’ into full-time position”
Wood Ana Barraza 1-1-1-1 1. “Philosophy Professor ‘Lucks’ Into Full-Time Position” 2. “New Full-Time Teacher Makes Philosophy Fun” 3. “Part-Time Philosophy Teacher Gets Permanent Position” Pierce philosophy teacher Mia Wood recently gained a permanent position as a full-time assistant professor this fall semester.
******$$Computer science department adds veteran teacher to full time roster
Noted for his commitment to helping his students not only learn, but enjoying the learning experience, Professor David Schamus is one of many professors joining the Pierce College staff full time this fall. For more than 25 years, Schamus, 52, has found joy in helping students learn.
$$Pierce College women’s soccer teams takes no bull
The Pierce College women’s soccer team now 3-1-2 remains undefeated ending their second home game in a final score of 2-2 against rival Moorpark women’s soccer team Tuesday.
***$$As students return to class, enrollment reaches a 25-year high
As Pierce celebrates sixty years of academic excellence, enrollment is rapidly on the rise. There are currently 20,049 students enrolled for the fall 2007 semester. That’s a 7.4 percent increase compared to fall 2006. Enrollment from international students has also increased steadily during the last few semesters.