Despite losing 2-3 to Irvine Valley in the semifinals of the State Championship April 27, the men’s volleyball team ended the season with a 14-5 record. Head Coach Eddie Stanislawski was selected as the Western State Conference Coach of the Year and Joe Padapolous was named to the All State Tournament team, both for their impressive performances.
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News Briefs
NB/Deadline to Drop 9 lines/ 2 inches 120 words Deborah Jackson Suggested headline: Deadline to drop or add: Nov. 19 The deadline to drop a class for Fall Semester 2004 and still receive a grade of W is Friday. Students are responsible to complete a drop card, which can be obtained in the Admissions and Records Office.
Entering the ‘Tech Age’
Pierce is now officially high-tech. A few weeks ago, there was a cart outside of the Learning Center full of boxes. All of the boxes had “Neovo” on the side. Come to find out, each one of those boxes contained a 15-inch AG Neovo monitor. For those of you who aren’t computer savvy, Neovo is a company that distributes top-of-the-line monitors.
Student voice
Q: The farm at Pierce may host a petting zoo to raise funds for the agriculture department. How do you feel about that, and have you ever visited the farm? I’ve never been out there. I think that it would work, and I would probably bring my little sister.
the more the merrier
On the Pierce farm, it’s not so much “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” as it is “The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe.” But this time it√≠s the student workers in the goat pens who have so many kids they don√≠t know what to do. Thirty-one goat babies, or “kids,” were born on the farm within the last three weeks.
Agents of Justice
Have you ever had a dispute with a teacher over a grade? Have you ever needed an advocate to help you resolve an issue with an instructor? What you may not know is that there are people on campus whose job it is to help you in such situations. They are called ombudspersons.
Weathering heights
Anaheim has Disneyland, Santa Monica has the Pier and Woodland Hills has Pierce College. Yes, we host carnivals and have a huge attendance rate, but the little-known similarity among these three places is a mutual interest in the weather. Few people realize that for more than half a century the Pierce Weather Station has collected much of the official weather data for the Woodland Hills/Canoga Park area.
“What the Hell”
“What the hell?” Why is there such a low rate of student and staff involvement at Pierce? People on campus either don’t have the time or don’t want to be involved. Pierce is not a four-year university complete with dorms and an ongoing campus life, but we do have more than 100 disciplines being taught to more than 18,000 students.
Terrorism, suspence fill ‘Last Jihad’
Certain books have the ability to take your mind away from the spot in which you are reading. Certain books can take you to a place you’ve only dreamt about. Certain books have the ability to make you want to read more and more, until you’re done and realize that you’ve read the 350-page book in six hours.
Nelly debuts unique double album release
As the media embraces hip-hop as never before, the struggle to break into the rap business is harder than ever for up-and-coming rappers. To make it in rap you have to give a little extra just to be noticed. But there are a few rappers who stand out, not only because of their talent but for their other accomplishments.