Summer market opens:

A part of Pierce College’s agricultural past has returned with the re-opening of the corner market, located at the southeast corner of De Soto Avenue and Victory Boulevard was around in the ’80s and ’90s, and will again be open until Sept. 15. “This corner store will be harking back to the farm store that was here years ago,” said Linda Carberry, supervisor of the market.

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Teachers play truant at graduation

The graduation tradition is a cornerstone in the structure of education. If any establishment prides itself in academics, teaching or knowledge, members of that establishment would realize the significance of the tradition and attend the event. Graduation is not only a celebration of all the efforts put forth by the student thus far in their education, but it is also a celebration of all the efforts put forth by teachers for their students.

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Debate persists over academic aptitude

With the recent accreditation visit still fresh on administrators’ minds, the topic of whether or not Pierce College students are academically prepared has been under much speculation. From high school to college, student to professor and district to administration, opinions on the matter have run the gamut and the criteria by which a student is deemed “under-prepared” remain unclear.

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Farmwatch claims animal abuse

A seven-page anonymous, untraceable Web site accuses the Pierce College Agriculture and Natural Resources Department of neglecting the animals under its care. City officials said they have been called out to the farm by anonymous sources, but have not found any signs of neglect or wrong doing.

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Tanning your health away

Living in Southern California, being tan is important and equated with health and beauty, but people easily forget that being out in the sun all day can have a damaging effect on the skin. Many of us are sun-drenched beach bums who spend hours tanning in the sun and at salons without giving a second thought to what might happen as a result.

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Mock crisis hits campus

Five people were found dead after an explosion in the Physics Building left 21 injured and three others hospitalized, according to a news release written at a mock disaster drill on Friday. The release was just one facet of the eight-hour tabletop training session in the Campus Conference Room.

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