Thinking about going to another country to study but don’t want to go for an entire semester? Then this program is perfect for you. Journey’s of Discovery offers a four-week abroad session to Spain or a five-week session to Mexico during the summer months.
Author: Archive
News in Brief
At the weekly Associated Students Organization meeting on May 9, several important items were voted on and approved. A $500 scholarship for international students was passed to help ease the fee increase that will occur this summer. The fee increase will only affect the international and non-residents students.
Sheriff’s Blotter
Student gives teacher a lesson On May 9 between 1:45 and 2:45 p.m. a student reportedly stole an instructor’s cell phone in Room 1202 of the English Building. Classroom breakdown An incident occurred in Room 3252 of the Business Education building where a student suffered a seizure at 10 a.
Foundation gets funds for community kitchen
The Foundation for Pierce College received a $250,000 grant earlier this semester that will be used to help build the Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Teaching Kitchen and Theater Room set to begin construction around 2008. Pierce was granted the money specifically for the construction of the community teaching kitchen and theater, which will take approximately two years to complete.
Stop raid on student aid
Students with college loans are about to face a test of character. Those without the means to pay for college, who continue to pursue education through borrowing, must demand that the Senate re-evaluate its priorities. Congress began this year with a $12.
Drug offenders excluded from federal financial aid
A report recently released by the U.S. Department of Education shows that California ranks second-highest in students rejected from financial aid because of drug convictions. Data from the report, which was made available through the non-profit group Students for a Sensible Drug Policy (S.
Music melts fans in desert sands
Mushrooms go great with pizza but better with music and art under a desert sky. Driving the 160-mile voyage in my VW Microbus began the adventure with a vibe reminiscent of the clogged highway that led to Yasgur’s farm in 1969. In a time when even the memory of Woodstock has been reduced to commercialism and violent, angst-filled youth, the chance to find peace, music and art was upon me: Coachella Music and Arts Festival 2006.
Jobs 4U 2day
Anyone undecided on a major or just looking for information about different careers may want to attend the free career exploration workshop today from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in room 1604. Whether a student is transferring, working toward an A.A. or unsure of the future, the workshop is built to help get them on the right track.
Smoking areas mostly ignored
Designated smoking areas are located all throughout campus, but there are students who choose to smoke everywhere. They are found lighting up near classrooms, outside bathrooms and even in the S. Taper Botanical Garden on benches. This needs to change.
Health Center urges smokers to quit
With worrying about school, work and family, trying to stay healthy is no easy task for college students, but not smoking is a definite way to stay on that path. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention one out of every four people smokes.