The Pierce Auditorium filled with eager people all looking and stumbling for their correct seats. Families gathering with friends all waited to see and hear the same thing, the Kadima String Quartet and Friends. The room quieted as the lights dimmed and two violinists, one viola, and one cello player walked to the center of the stage and sat down.
Author: Archive
Beer Review: Best of Ireland
Ah, beer! The warm happy feeling children get for Christmas is here for the beer lover’s holiday: Saint Patrick’s Day. Although some people save the beer indulging festivities for this one day a year, I try to get a head start and keep the ball rolling afterward.
Grossmont served off court in volleyball
The Pierce men’s volleyball team hosted a non-conference match Wednesday where they shut out Grossmont College 3-0. Striving to meet head coach Adam Black’s expectations, coming close enough still brought the team a win. Leading the team with 36 assists, freshman Kyle Luongo helped bring the first win 25-20 with a dramatic save off his foot.
Tennis team wins 1 of 9
The matches against Glendale Community College (GCC), March 2, were quite a disappointment for the Pierce College tennis team, having had lost eight matches out of nine with a combined score for the singles’ and doubles’, 8-1, GCC took home the win. The only victory came from the doubles’ play of Steven Caswell and Tim Perez from Pierce defeating Norik Otuzbiryan and Darek Mardirosian from GCC, 9-7.
Exam anxiety to suicide: the center can help
Personal counseling, a program available in the campus Help Center provides short and long term counseling to students who need help dealing with personal problems that may be affecting their school work or personal lives. The service is always free and confidential.
Disabled student budget gets jump start
A statewide budget increase for Disabled Students Programs and Services is expected to get the program at Pierce College out of the red in the 2006 to 07 fiscal year, according to campus officials. There will be $15.4 million for a 5.18 percent cost-of-living-adjustment for specified categorical programs and $9.
Sheriff’s Blotter
DMV sting operation nets 16: The Department of Motor Vehicles conducted a sweep of Pierce College March 6, running a sting operation to catch drivers illegally using disabled placards for parking on campus, netting at least 16 people. According to an employee of the sheriff’s department, most of those caught were using the placards of disabled family members.
News Briefs
Meet with college Reps. CSUN Today 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Transfer Center University of Phoenix Today 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Campus Mall Antioch University Thursday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Campus Mall Appointments can be made online at
In the Page One story on the Coretta Scott King vigil, the first name of Patricia Siever, professor of African-American history was misspelled, as was the name of Pierce student Abraham White in the accompanying photo caption.
Engineering award a 1st for community college
Ronald D. Smetzer knows how glorious is it to be given a “Distinguished Engineering Educator Award” without having a doctorate degree. A professor of industrial technology and director of Cooperative Work Experience Education at Pierce College, Smetzer got the award last month from the San Fernando Valley Engineers’ Council.