This April, American Sign Language (ASL) celebrates 200 years of existence. Although Pierce College won’t be having any specific event designated for this day, the
Author: Hazem Elwary
STOMP transfer frustrations away
More than 1,000 California community college students will be attending the annual UCLA STOMP Conference on April 28. The event will be from 8 a.m.
Go green, go vegan
In celebration of Earth Day, The Mall was filled with different environmental outreach events coordinated by various clubs, including the Pierce College Vegan Society.
OER courses remain unaddressed
The status of Online Educational Resources (OER) courses that a new professor must take over remains ambiguous in regards to the material used, causing uncertainty
Companies line the Mall for ‘Fair’ job offerings
The Mall was filled with smiling faces and eager students looking for immediate employment for the semesterly Job Fair. More than 50 companies were recruiting
Spot the difference with fake news workshop
Controversy about fake news largely circulating the media in recent month has prompted the Pierce College Library to open a student workshop. The first Fake