Let your hair down, and relax . It is Wednesday and Pierce College students find themselves anxious to take midterms, finish up assignment, and be able
Category: News
Writing Lab may close in the fall
Jeanine Brown sat next to the disconnected phone at her desk in the Writing Lab. She hasn’t had a phone there for a year.
Trailer bill threatens Health Center
Pierce College may lose the Student Health Center due to a trailer bill within the California State Budget Bill, approval of this bill would allow
Boots and Saddle club promotes Farm Walk
The boots and saddle club was selling snow cones all morning on the Mall area at Pierce College to publicize the farm walk and
Bill to determine future of health fee
A trailer bill will soon be voted on that, if passed, would allow community college students to choose whether the health fee they currently pay
Faculty hiring may freeze due to budgetary issues
Due to a lack of finances, it is tremendously unlikely that Pierce College will be able to hire any new faculty members anytime soon.
Food trucks satiate students’ hunger while food court is under construction
Since construction of the campus food court has been put on an indefinite hold, students are limited to whatever food trucks are parked on campus,
Team competes in extramural research program
A team of Pierce students is competing with colleges and universities nationwide in an environment-focused extramural research program aimed at encouraging and supporting student projects.
More cuts on the horizon announced at Town Hall meeting
Facing an across–the-board 7 percent cut and eradication of all non-essential services the Pierce College president outlined the preliminary budget for the 2012/13 school year
Town Hall meeting to discuss effect of budget crisis tomorrow
A town hall meeting to discuss the budget crisis’ impact on Pierce College will be hosted by the school’s administration tomorrow in the Great Hall