After voting comes the hardest part

The Nov. 7 elections proved that our country is hungry for change. As young voters, we increased our role in the electoral process and played a significant part in shifting the congressional balance of power. The majority of college students do not yet have to worry about the cost of prescription drugs or if they will have adequate Social Security when they reach retirement.

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Thanks for the upgrade,

It’s been a long time coming, but the decrepit and time-worn marquees that for so many years have stood at the three entrances of our campus are getting a much-needed makeover. Gone are the signs of old, with their faded and cracked white backgrounds and announcements with missing letters because the characters wouldn’t stick.

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Mix of ‘Black Holes and Revelations’ worth the $$

If you’re into an eclectic mix of drums, guitar, politics and piano then spending nearly twenty bucks on Muse’s new album “Black Holes and Revelations,” is worth every cent. Their sixth and possibly most bitter album yet is finally completed with lyrics such as “Corrupt, you’re corrupt” and “You’ll burn in hell,” but you’d never notice it by all the appealing and melodic art taking your attention away from the resentful libretto.

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