So much time is spent with one’s eyes focused on a screen that it can create tunnel vision, blurring the mind to the surroundings. In
Category: Opinion
Online learning is more mainstream than ever
The COVID-19 pandemic had life-altering effects for individuals across the globe. From restaurants being shut down to protective masks becoming the new norm, changes were
Streetbeat: What would you like to learn more about during Black History Month?
“I think learning about Black history as a whole, I think I want to learn that more. In schools, you’re often not taught—talking in
Letter from the editor – Fall 2023
I am the Roundup newspaper Fall 2023 editor-in-chief. I have been a student in the Media Arts Department since Fall 2019. (I know, I know.
Congregations on campus can bring unity to students
The significance of transitioning from a community college to a four-year university is substantial. In this era of rapid advancements and evolving job markets, the
Fast track to four year university success
The significance of transitioning from a community college to a four-year university is substantial. In this era of rapid advancements and evolving job markets, the
The college experience is not worth rushing
The college life of the average American student is considered to be ideally an education starting and ending at a four-year university, private or public.
Streetbeat: Did you accomplish your New Year’s resolution?
“I had a really tough year, so I’m just trying to get back on track. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to
Streetbeat: Should vaping be allowed in school?
“I think vaping should not be allowed because I think it would encourage more vaping and nicotine is a bad thing for your
Should Pierce have a harm reduction center? YES: Provide help to students with addiction and withhold judgment
Amidst the constantly changing field of higher education, establishments are realizing the value of creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for every student. The necessity