Editor’s Note: This is a letter sent to a Roundup reporter by Dr. Leland Shapiro, Department chair of agriculture and natural resource in regard to
Tag: news
Cancer walk to take place on campus
The annual 24-hour Relay for Life in Woodland Hills will take place at Pierce College beginning April 28 at 9 a.m. The money raised
Dean of 8 departments retires for unknown reason
A dean of eight Pierce College departments announced his retirement March 2, while the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) considered to dismiss him due
Protest’s coffin makes its way across L.A. colleges
The “Education is Dead!” coffin that paraded through Pierce last month is expected to make its way through Los Angeles area colleges and universities before
District extends construction pause as campuses evaluate projects
The Los Angeles Community College District is working hand-in-hand with each of its nine campuses in order to make adjustments to its Building Program after
Sheriff’s blotter 2-13-12
March 6 – Petty theft: a man’s bicycle was stolen from outside the library. March 6 – Two males were arrested for posing as
Alternative medicine discussed in Anthropology Lecture Series
Doctors have been trained to be logical. Many have a need for everything to be black or white when it comes to healthcare.
Civil War Reenactment to be hosted at the Farm Center
A Civil War Reenactment open for viewing to Pierce students will take place in the Pierce Farm Center at De Soto Avenue and Victory Boulevard
Farm ‘not in danger,’ college VP says
While the head of the Agriculture Department is concerned that lack of funding would hurt the Pierce College Farm, the Pierce College administration says that
Job Center closes its doors after nearly 20 Years
Pierce College will be closing the Job Center March 30 after an analysis between the functions of the Job Center and Career Center showed the