The Horticulture Building project was recommended to be prioritized second after the Auto Tech Expansion at a Pierce College Council meeting on Thursday. As of
Tag: news
Sheriff’s blotter 11-21-11
Nov. 15 a student incident was reported in which one student pepper sprayed another student in Parking Lot 7. Nov. 17 a student was arrested
Automotive technology to be reconstructed
Automotive technology has been voted to be 1st priority during last Thursday’s Pierce College Committee meeting. The decision will be presented to Pierce College president
Labor panel preaches equality
Sexism, Racism and other negative yet realistic occurrences that people will most likely encounter in the workforce today were the topics of the Labor Panel
Construction projects prioritized
The completion of campus construction projects was prioritized during a Pierce College Council (PCC) meeting Nov. 17. The decision to alter construction plans was
GIS showcases mapping technology
Seven local businessmen spoke to students in the Great Hall for Pierce College’s first annual Geographical Information System (GIS) Day Tuesday, Nov. 15. GIS
Geography professors host GIS Day
In celebration of Geography Awareness Week two professors hosted their own presentation educating students about the technology, which enables users to create maps and charts.
sheriffs blotter 11-14-11
Nov. 8 Automotive vandalism near Mason Avenue Nov. 9 Student incident reported in North Gym 5602 Nov. 9 Tagging vandalism near Art building
The new ASO president
Febe Ruiz is the new Pierce College Associated Students Organization (ASO) president after former president Gabriel Mellibosky resigned due to personal reasons, according the ASO
Budget cuts slash athletic funding
Pierce College has been forced to remove 50 percent of funding from the athletic department due to the California’s state budget crisis, according to Pierce’s