The search for private funding

In the wake of proposed sweeping cuts in state education funding, California community colleges are turning to private sources to supplement their stagnating, sometimes even shrinking, operating budgets. “Like California’s four-year public universities, our community colleges have realized they can no longer solely rely on state funding or bond measures for financial support,” said Dr.

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Travel to Egypt, gain credits plus knowledge

An educational tour of Egypt will be available both to students of Dr. Lynda Toth’s Humanities 6 course in the fall, and to anybody else interested. The 10-day trip is scheduled for December, according to Toth, professor of humanities and speech. “I’ve set the travel date far in advance to give students time to apply for various scholarships and other funding sources to help pay for the trip,” she added.

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Students rally against fee hikes

Rallies organized by the Students for California’s Future against suggested cuts in education funding took place across the state Monday. According to the SFCF, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed budget plan for the 2008-09 fiscal year would cut $483 million from community college general funds, as well as hundreds of millions from University of California and California State University programs.

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Make a difference

Improving the environment is difficult for one Pierce College student, but all of us collectively can make a big change. If all Pierce students eliminate one environmentally-harmful habit, it would amount to more than 21,000 changes. Scientists around the world warn of ozone depletion, environmental pollution and global warming, which affect our lives directly.

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