Mensches on Broadway

Christopher Haliskoe, Online Managing Editor

Mensches on Broadway or “Broadway, Our Way” a Dazzling Performance

The Pierce College Philharmonic Choir gave a wonderful performance Nov. 10 for the Annual Jewish Composers Concert at the Performing Arts Building. The choir, accompanied by talents from around the San Fernando Valley, performed selections from “1776,” “Fiorello,” “The King And I,” “Sally Hemmings” and “Camelot.” The program began with several humorous songs from “1776,” including “Sit Down, John,” an exasperated plea from the Continental Congress to shut up John Adams, and “Yours, Yours, Yours,” a loving (and nitpicking) exchange between John and Abigail Adams by mail. After some schmoozing and noshing during intermission, the program continued with a few songs from “Sally Hemmings,” a story about a folksy Oklahoma girl who travels to the imaginary country of Lichtenberg as ambassador. The program then continued with a few songs from “The King and I,” including the eternal “Getting To Know You.” “Fiorello,” a story of politicians as poker players, got laughs from the audience, before ending the concert with two songs from “Camelot.” Despite some lighting glitches and the occasional cue missed, the performance was memorable and heartwarming. The soloists and chorus were master entertainers, combining fine acting skill with near-operatic singing technique. The performance made the most of spartan resources. The only accompaniment was a piano, a bass guitar and a drum set. However, this sparse instrumentation made for a haimish performance. It might have been a private concert in one’s drawing room. “Broadway, Our Way” brought a great deal of warmth to a cold November night.

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