ASO – Moving the Money

ASO Meeting 10-06-09

ASO   Moving the Money.

The ASO passed a number of financial requests on Tuesday.

The first request was to reimburse Maria Bates, a full-time instructor here at Pierce, for $2,100 after she personally funded to publish “Direction”. “Direction” is a yearly publication featuring poetry, short stories, and art created by Pierce students.

The second request was to pay off outstanding debts left over from last year’s ASO to CopyTech. The funds would be reallocated from various ASO committees including the Publicity, Environmental, and Club Council committees as well as funds from the ASO budget for office supplies and election costs, stated the finance request document.

The final request was to use $10,500 from the Student Representative  account to send executive ASO members on a trip to Washington D.C. The money in this account is paid for by students who at the time of their registration can opt to pay an additional dollar to give added funds to their student government.

All the votes passed and money was allocated to for all of the financial requests.

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