Anthony Gonzales-Clark/Roundup
As you may have heard, our school enacted a no-smoking ban on campus.
Assigning those who do smoke to designated areas in the parking lots.
And I’m sure you have heard lots of tyrannical double-talk from those who imposed the ban.
“We are not taking away your cigarettes; you just can’t smoke them on campus,” or “if you are caught smoking on campus well, we will just have to discipline you.”
One reason for moving towards a smoke free campus is because of “health.”
I’m all for good health but isn’t this about individual choice?
Aren’t we hounded relentlessly about the dangers of smoking everyday?
Whether it’s a television commercial, a movie, an ad in a magazine or in the cartoons that we watch?
Aren’t I responsible for my own health?
This ban is making little children out of us and making some person on a committee chair my parent.
The bigger we let higher officials become—our students’ chance to grow as individuals dwindle.
Doesn’t this school promote the freedom to think for yourself?
I’m all for people living the way they choose.
We don’t ban football (a sure guarantee you will get hurt faster and more severe than smoking).
We don’t ban skiing,
rock climbing, skydiving and many other dangerous sports that are detrimental to your health.
The school promotes these activities!
So they can’t be promoting health, when they put students at risk.
For those of you who don’t get it, I’m not advocating the end of sports. I’m advocating reason. Everything has a risk. Everything we enjoy. Don’t decide for me.

(Cartoonist Anthony Gonzales-Clark)