Pierce joined Facebook and taking it over by storm

Shannon Galofaro

Its 2010. The time has come for Pierce College to join Facebook, and were taking it over by storm. 

 “Its the students virtual place at Pierce College,” said Doreen Clay, Public Relations manager at Pierce.”We want to encourage everybody to be a fan and get involved.”


Pierce College and Los Angeles Valley College both have active Facebook pages. 


“LAVC was the first college in the district to create a Facebook page,” said Jennifer Fong, PR Manager at LAVC, in an email.


The LAVC Facebook page was first created in 2008, and have a current fan count of 1,136.


A small number compared to the fan count of Pierce just over 1900, in only three months.


The Pierce page was created January 10th, by Clay, with the help of Christina Colucci, marketing assistant at Pierce.


The main purpose of connecting with Facebook was to effectively and efficiently socially network, meeting a lot of college needs just in doing something as simple as posting an event. 


Recent events posted on Facebook were the media panel team, recent art gallery opening and free taxes.


“It has an event calendar so it can tell us whats happening on campus,” said Nadi Montano, student at Pierce. “I really like it!”


A fast and easy way for faculty, students and staff to communicate. 


Professors may post assignments for students to see or just send a quick message to their inbox.


“I am thrilled with the way people are taking off with it,” said Clay.


Facebook is avidly used as a place for the Pierce community to connect with other Pierce people with common interests… and its free!


Both Pierce and LAVC take advantage of other popular social networking sites, such as MySpace and Twitter.

“I feel that using Facebook and other social networking sites is an excellent way for colleges to have better interaction with their students and alumni,” said Fong. 

The only down side to Facebook and Pierce is that unfortunately, the site cannot be accessed throughout the campus.


 “I wish it was more accessible everywhere on campus,” said Montano


Once Pierce goes wireless it should be much more accessible.


Become a fan of Pierce college on Facebook by going to: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pierce-College/26628484562 



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