Elliot Golan
Dear States’ Rights Radicals,
Enacting legislature for the sole purpose of subverting the efforts of the national government is sophomoric.
Several states have been working on bills that would, in essence, cancel out laws being deliberated at the federal level.
For example, South Dakota has passed a measure this month stating that if a gun is made and used inside that state, regulations imposed on firearms at the national level do not apply.
Since the healthcare overhaul was passed less than two weeks ago, more than ten states have begun brainstorming ways to opt out of the plan, with some even threatening lawsuit.
These authorities have existed at the state level for over two hundred years.
So why now?
It is obvious that all these seditious maneuvers are nothing more than cowardly manners of expressing objection with the current government under President Barack Obama.
These bipartisan power plays get us nowhere.
Every state in the union has officials speaking on their behalf in congress, both in Senate and the House or Representatives. If a state has issues with the direction of the country, these are the avenues to be taken. Our government was designed explicitly to hear these voices.
But, to some, that just isn’t enough.
Like a child who did not get their way, they gather and ponder underhanded means of getting what they want.
If that is the case, what is the point of government or representatives in the first place?
Why do we call these states united?
Now, the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution does protect these people in a legal sense. It states “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
To the people.
Well, the people elect their officials. The officials go to Congress. The Congress votes on whether or not to pass a bill into law. That is what this country is all about.
The job of government is to create an environment conducive with the “inalienable rights” this country was founded on. We must put our ideological differences aside.
Let’s keep our eye on the ball.
Concerned Citizen