Noelle Arias
Tarp-covered chain link fences, unplanted greenery in black plastic pots and gigantic construction machines surrounded by fluorescent-colored safety tape are the most noticeable items seen around the Pierce College campus these days.
This is all due to bond funding totaling in more than $6.5 billion to build new facilities and modify existing ones throughout Los Angeles Community College District campuses.
The latest edition to the Pierce campus is a 28 foot tall electronic marquee that is being built on the corner of Winnetka Avenue and Victory Boulevard which will be up and running next month.
According to Ed Cadena of Swinerton Incorporated, who is the Deputy Director in charge of the project, the electronic marquee is part of the $1.1 million Gateway and Entrances Project and was also help funded from a source found through Congressman Brad Sherman‘s office.
The contract that was awarded in April of 2009 involves the improvements of the entrances to the school and sections of Pierce that can be seen from the traffic on the street and by the public.
“It’s a special piece of equipment,” said Cadena, describing the actual screen of the marquee that measures 7 feet tall by 12 feet wide.
A traditional marquee is similar to the sign at a gas station that displays the prices of gasoline. There can only be one message at a time on the sign and each letter has to be removed and put in place individually.
With the advancement of technology in this day in age, marquees are being upgraded from traditional to digital.
The marquee on campus will display “all activities, events and announcements related to Pierce College life,” states Public Relations Specialist for the college, Doreen Clay.
Clay, along side part-time student worker Christina Colucci, will be in charge of what is announced on the marquee. Clay explained that what will be seen on the digital sign will be similar to what is found on the News and Events section of the Pierce College website.
These messages will feature sporting events, upcoming theatrical and musical productions, as well as meetings and important dates in regards to Pierce College helping keep students and the community up-to-date and well informed.
The location of the marquee was chosen for the excessive amount of car and foot traffic at that intersection. The Metro Orange Line has a Park & Ride lot on Winnetka Avenue and Friar Street where a large number of Pierce students ride the bus to and from school everyday.
The marquee was especially angled so that drivers and those on foot are able to clearly read the messages.
Bus-rider Sarah White, an English major at Pierce, feels that the sign is more of a luxury rather than a necessity. “If they want to modify the facilities they should’ve started with the bathrooms,” exclaimed White.
Regardless of people’s approval or disapproval of the project, the maintenance staff on campus will be trained on how to properly care for the equipment so that come April, the brand new electronic marquee will be running smoothly and help keep the Pierce College community informed on campus news for years to come.