Diana Garcia / Roundup
To the female face of the late talk night show, I give applause to Chelsea Handler who has her own show “Chelsea Lately” which airs on the E! Channel network weeknights at 11:00 p.m. Chelsea Handler is a hot mess as she ages like wine.
Chelsea Handler, 35, an American Standup Comedian who has the boldness for speaking her mind about anything from celebrities, politics, health and what better than keeping me entertained.
The dirt she speak of herself and just about anyone you may think of and their blunders makes her so eccentric but genuine.
“Chelsea Lately” was first air in July of 2007 where immediately people began giving her the two thumbs up, including me.
She is a comedian, actress, writer and author who has written three books, “My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands,” Are you There Vodka, It’s Me Chelsea” and “Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang” and have made it to the #1 New York Times Bestselling Author. In her books, Handler speaks about alcohol one of her favorite topics and things to do is drink Belvedere Vodka.
I just love that she writes how she talks. There is no force within her words when writing and she speaks her mind. That is how real her books get; you get to know her through her writing. But, I must admit her books are a bit stupid.
I have not met this woman, but she is not an individual who is self absorb with herself or with the amount of attention she receives.
All woman should be able to speak more freely and not be afraid to speak their minds. Perhaps they can learn a bit about Handler since women are afraid to speak their minds.
Frankly, woman might find her ruthless for the criticism that comes out of her mouth.
Love her or hate her, she can care less about what you think or say. She will curse you out in a heartbeat as she laughs at your face. Now that is priceless.
Handler may be known to speak like a sailor, but not only is she sexy and smart but she definitely catches your attention with her irrelevant wit.
Handler is the new face of the late night talk shows. You can definitely count on setting your remote control down and sit back as you listen to her criticize the whole world with her great unforced and organic sense of humor.
If she wants to talk to you about how much she’s been “porking” and “love-making”, or how much she loves her Caslupus, she will tell you how it is.
Several people say they don’t like Handler for the amount of curse words she holds on the tip of her tongue. She said she used to be a terrible child, her parents where probably so unaware of her actions, she was never thought protocol.
If you don’t like the woman don’t watch her show period! How much more practical can the woman get.
She is a breath of fresh air with the potential to make you think twice about anything. Handler is not afraid to take risks as she lives on the edge.
In addition, she is totally aware of her reputation and could care less. Handler deserves credit for being who she is. High five Chelsea! I am not saying women should be more like her, which is not what I am saying. I am a fan of Chelsea that’s what I am saying.
Handler is an independent thinker who does not care if you’re the President of the United States. If she does not like you or knows your acting like a complete fool she will tell you with sarcasm and a straight face aside from the Botox on her face.