Tyler McGee / Roundup
Applause filled the Faculty Cafeteria yesterday at noon during the Sports Award Ceremony.
The ceremony coincided with hotdogs, chili, chips, salad, and lemonade.
The athlete’s ceremony was to honor all athletes for their dedication and also to provide a certificate to each athlete with a 3.0 G.P.A , as well as the star players this athletic year.
“This lunch and ceremony is our way of saying thank you for everything you have contributed to sports and being a student,” said Athletic Director Bob Lofrano.
After Lofrano congratulated the students, Claudia Ramirez discussed the requirement of every student seeing her about their grades.
“I will be here Monday to Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the summer,” said Ramirez encouraging students to seek help..
Compliments continued when Dean of Athletics Barbra Anderson stepped up to the podium.
“Thank you all for being so excellent on so many different aspects,” Anderson said.
Head dive coach Josh Foster, then announced an award for Jamie Flynn, the Diving State Champion at the 3 meter.
Foster explained how Flynn performed with an amazing attitude, especially at competitions.
“I was in the zone. I would get a towel, huddle by myself and close my eyes to imagine the dive I was going to do,” said Flynn as to why she was able to be named diver of the year.
Next Rajeev Datt the tennis head coach, introduced the Scholar Athlete of the Year, Ariel Cohen who earned a 4.0 G.P.A. and plans to transfer to UCLA in the fall.
“It feels great to be recognized,” said Cohen.
The celebration ended with Lofrano mentioning the Breakfast Ceremony that will take place June 9 before Graduation, in which 12 athletes will be awarded for 3.5 and up G.P.A.

Men?s Tennis star Ariel Cohen, with coach Rajeev Datt, was awarded for achieving a 4.0 G.P.A. at the Sports Banquet yesterday. (David Schub / Special to the Roundup)

amie Flynn, with Coach Josh Foster, was awarded ?Athlete of the Year? in diving at the Pierce College Sports Banquet on Tuesday. The sports department honored athletes with a G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher. (David Schub / Special to the Roundup)