ASO Operations ASO Supplies ASO President Expenses ASO Travel Expenses ASO Pulicity Committee ASO Elections ASO Equipment Total Conference Attendance ASO Retreat Awards Editor’s Choice Eleany Busta Outstanding ASO 850 Service Award ASO Outstanding Student ASO Outstanding Teacher President’s Honor List Reception 5,500 Anne Gelvoria Memorial Scholarship 850 Michelle Smith Memorial Scholarship 850 ASO President’s Award Computer Applications & Office Tech. 650 Total
Banquets EOP&S Awards Ceremony
Students Services Pierce College Commencement Activities 14,000 Business Office Supplies & Overhead 5,000 ASO Clerk Salary ASO Advisor ASO Emergency Expenses Total
Cultural, Artistic & Literary Support ASO Social Cultural Committee 5,000 Pierce College Art Gallery Direction Open Mic, Fall ASO Sponsored Afternoon Concerts 5,000 Direction Open Mic Reading II, Spring 200 Printing Direction Photography Competition & Exhibit 1,000 French Mardi Gras Celebration 300 Multi-Cultural Day International Day Artworld Perspectives Total Club and Community Support ASO Club Days ASO Public Welfare Committee 1000 International Student Orientation 1500 Pierce College Dance Club 3000 The Philosopher’s Cabaret Leadership Club Orientation ISS Peer Mentor Program 250 Training & Lunch Total
Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Support Student Generated At Exhibit 500 Visual Arts Series Pierce Cheer Squad HIV/AIDS Awareness Week 1000 (Fall & Spring) Library Weekend Hours During Finals 1700 Library Materials Anthropology Lecture Series 900 AMATYC Student Math League 350 Competition Meet Your Major Fair Department of the Month Summer Bridge 2011 Financial Aid Awareness Pierce College Welcome Day 1500 Campus Child Development Center 2500 University Day UCLA/CSUN Day Total