The executive board of the Associated Students Organization (ASO) voted on financial requests from various campus agencies Thursday.
$1,370 was approved for different campus activities by the ASO Finance Committee.
ASO President Shane Mooney, ASO Treasurer Kanny Morgan and ASO Adviser Brad Saenz were the only voting members.
Pardaman Mann attended the meeting as a representative of the business office.
The Transfer Day/College Fair request was approved for $470, in order to hold their annual event.
Other events that students can look forwarded to is a congressional debate which was awarded $400 of the $500 that was requested in order to provide food for the approximately 40 speakers and 22 student volunteers, according to submitted documents.
$500 was granted to the philosophy club in order to continue their bi-annual Philosopher’s Cabaret.
However, $1600 in requests were denied including $300 that was requested in order to provide food during the annual UCLA/CSUN Day.
There are also $1700 in requests that were left on the table to be addressed at a later time after more information is presented by those seeking funding.
All money released is coming from the ASO emergency fund, that had a balance of $17,600 before the approvals.
Finance Committee meetings are held every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. in the ASO conference room, and is open to all students.
Anyone looking to become a committee member must first apply to be a senator.
Applications can be found on the ASO website at pierceaso.webs.com.
Check The Roundup every week for an update on the most recent Finance Committee meeting.